Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Last Two Weeks

Congratulations to my daughter and new son-in-law on their marriage, November 6, 2010.

A whirlwind of activity fairly describes the last two weeks preparing for that one day, yet my wife and I experienced a continual joy in the to-do list.

May they know together an ever-deepening love governed by the wisdom which flows from the Holy Spirit as they build a life together.

Thought for Today:

If the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


postmodern redneck said...

Congratulations to the newlyweds, and to you and your wife, from one who just celebrated 40 years (and if two extreme opposites like Miriam and I can do it, there's hope for anybody else to do it!)

ded said...

Thanks, Phil.

These two have so much in common, including and most importantly, a relationship with the Lord.

I think they will build well on what they have found in one another. I am confident they are both committed for the long haul.

Anonymous said...

It was a wonderful wedding Daddy. Thanks to everything you and mom did. :) It was a wonderful day.