Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Too busy?

Sometimes in life it's easy to be overwhelmed and hard to keep up. (1) If that's real, so be it; navigate the rapids.  (2) The enemy's trap for the soul: If I pick up the busyness, I agree that complication is needed; it will "profit" me. It is a choice: simple or complicated? Be aware, Soul, motivations to choose spring from the spirit of Christ or the fallen nature. (3) Being overwhelmed is the consequence of not shouldering responsibility.


Tim Gillam said...

I enjoyed your blog. Feel free to check me out at

Tim Gillam said...

why dont you create a subscription for your blog?

ded said...

Summary, thanks for you visit. I am glad you found something to enjoy. I liked your poetry I read while visiting your blog. I found some inspiration there!

Never thought about the subscription thing. I didn't realize it was an option.
